Tabla de casos

3 diciembre, 2021


COVID-19: Daily dashboard

Global case count (as of December 1, 08:22 ET): 263,003,778  confirmed cases; 5,219,663  deaths (2.0%). The following are the 30 countries with the highest case counts as of December 1, 08:22 ET.

* Data sourced from and are as of November 30, unless otherwise indicated; A person is considered partly vaccinated if they have received only one dose of a 2-dose vaccine protocol. A person is considered fully vaccinated if they have received a single-dose vaccine or both doses of a two-dose vaccine.
^ Vaccination data as of November 29; + vaccination data as of November 28; ~ vaccination data as of November 27; ^^ vaccination data as of November 21; ++ vaccination data as of November 11.
NA: Data not available on Our World In Data site.
SOURCE: Johns Hopkins University CSSE; Our World in Data

Tabla de casos - Fundación Quaes